Continuous R&D developments

John Cockerill is proud of its achievements in CSP and its position is supported by its continuous R&D efforts. We are confidently looking towards the future by working on key research and development programs.

Solar Gnext: future generation

This ambitious R&D program aims to design the next generation of solar receivers, and involves among others:

  • A dynamic corrosion test loop “Dynacor”
  • Testing of new materials with high resistance at high temperature (up to 850°C)
  • Evaluation of new molten salts and corrosion mitigation solutions to reach an outlet salt temperature of 730°C
  • Development of anticorrosion coating in molten salt at high temperature
  • Development of an accurate lifetime prediction model including the corrosion effect.

HiFlex: turning on the heat

This EU funded project (H2020) will demonstrate a CSP prototype plant featuring solid particles as storage and heat transfer medium, allowing to reach the 1000 °C temperature limit, for maximum efficiency. The HiFlex concept integrates a high level of flexibility, delivering dispatchable renewable electricity 24/7 to either industrial customers or the grid as well as supply process heat for many types of industrial plants. It will be tested at a pasta factory in Italy.

COMPASsCO2: going supercritical

This research program creates the link between the very high temperature offered by solid particles solar towers and the ideal properties of supercritical CO2 as a heat transfer media, allowing thermodynamical cycles such as Brayton cycles, to reach new levels of efficiency.

Available files


Solar gnext


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World class supplier of CSP projects