Natural Draft Cooling Towers

Cooling tower

John Cockerill Hamon has built more than 300 natural draft cooling towers worldwide in various climate and geographical conditions. 

HAMON® natural draft cooling towers are the right choice for large power plants. 

HAMON® Natural Draft Cooling Towers offer the following advantages: 

  • power savings (no power consumption to induce air flow- no fan) 
  • environmentally friendly 
  • no mechanical noise (no fan) 
  • safety of operation 
  • no recirculation as the plume is rejected at high level 
  • limited plot area 
  • limited maintenance 
  • high longevity (generally more than plant life expectancy) 
  • payback period between 8 and 16 years depending on several factors 

John Cockerill Hamon offers both basin or water collecting devices. This latter solution is recommended for large cooling towers. 

These HAMON® water collecting devices offer the following advantages: 

  • less pressure drop in the air inlet 
  • reduction of pumping power 
  • decrease of acoustic pressure in air inlet 

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