Water treatment

Wastewater treatment using a trickling filter has many advantages for operators of wastewater treatment plants, including ease of use and limited operating costs. This bacterial bed is a biological treatment process for effluents (water to be treated) based on the principle of fixed culture, which can be integrated upstream of a rhizofiltration system.

Materials (Crosspack 22) are used to support the purifying micro-organisms, which form a biological film. The bacteria contained in this biological film will ‘wash’ the wastewater.

Why should you choose to treat your wastewater using a trickling filter?

  • No nuisances (odours, noise, appearance)
  • Reduced site coverage
  • Modular structure
  • Integration into the natural environment
  • Significant reduction in the amount of slurry
  • Low energy consumption
  • Simple management

Trickling filters purify the wastewater in various applications:

  • Treatment of urban effluents (wastewater)
  • Treatment of effluents from the food industry
  • Treatment of industrial effluents

The wastewater enters through the effluent distribution system into the trickling filter, it is then distributed over the bacterial media support (Crosspack 22). The bacterial media support rests on a media support system.

The water flowing over the support systems forms a biological film. The oxygenation by natural or forced ventilation will enable the treatment of the water in particular for dissolved contaminants (carbon and ammonia).

The filter’s design will limit the film’s thickness by a hydraulic self-cleaning process.

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